Saakje WijbengaAge: 86 years1909–1996
- Name
- Saakje Wijbenga
Birth | October 17, 1909 |
Death | August 18, 1996 (Age 86 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
herself |
Saakje Wijbenga Birth: October 17, 1909 — Wetzens Death: August 18, 1996 — Kollum |
Family with Pieter Martinus Meindertsma |
husband |
Pieter Martinus Meindertsma Birth: February 16, 1912 — Oostrum Death: October 27, 2006 — Kollum |
herself |
Saakje Wijbenga Birth: October 17, 1909 — Wetzens Death: August 18, 1996 — Kollum |
son |
Martinus Meindertsma |
son |
Jacob Meindertsma |
son |
Ebele Meindertsma |
daughter |
Saakje Meindertsma |