Kerstant van WassenaerAge: 39 years1150–1189
- Name
- Kerstant van Wassenaer
Birth | about 1150 |
Death of a father | Doede van Voorhout about 1161 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Philips I van Wassenaer about 1175 (Age 25 years) |
Death | about 1189 (Age 39 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Doede van Voorhout Birth: about 1080 — Voorhout Death: about 1161 — Voorhout |
mother | |
Marriage: about 1118 — Voorhout |
33 years himself |
Kerstant van Wassenaer Birth: about 1150 — Voorhout Death: about 1189 |
Family with Halewin van Leyden van Pendrecht |
himself |
Kerstant van Wassenaer Birth: about 1150 — Voorhout Death: about 1189 |
wife |
Halewin van Leyden van Pendrecht Birth: 1130 — Leiden |
son |
Philips I van Wassenaer Birth: about 1175 — Voorschoten Death: about 1225 |