Mijn stamboom

Jan Gerlofs JensmaAge: 78 years17751854

Jan Gerlofs Jensma
Birth October 8, 1775
Marriage statusAkke Jorryts View this family

Marriage statusNynke Hessels BiermaView this family

Birth of a brotherJohannes Gerlofs Jensma
1779 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherCornelis Gerlofs Jensma
January 7, 1782 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherTrijntje Jans Posthumus
July 3, 1796 (Age 20 years)
MarriageAkke Jorryts View this family
June 23, 1805 (Age 29 years)
Death of a sisterGeertje Gerlofs Jensma
February 13, 1809 (Age 33 years)
Death of a brotherTheunis Gerlofs Jensma
June 19, 1809 (Age 33 years)
Death of a wifeAkke Jorryts
October 22, 1809 (Age 34 years)
MarriageNynke Hessels BiermaView this family
December 2, 1810 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
Gerlof Jans Jensma
December 1, 1812 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
Antje Jans Jensma
July 28, 1815 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a son
Hessel Jans Jensma
June 29, 1818 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a son
Theunis Jensma
April 14, 1821 (Age 45 years)
Death of a fatherGerlof Goffes Jensma
December 27, 1823 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
Ids Jans Jensma
July 14, 1824 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
Gosse Jensma
September 24, 1828 (Age 52 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sjoukje Jans Jensma
August 11, 1831 (Age 55 years)
Death of a wifeNynke Hessels Bierma
August 24, 1835 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childGerlof Jans JensmaTrijntje Goffes TerpstraView this family
May 31, 1838 (Age 62 years)
Marriage of a childBouwe Oeges BergmansAntje Jans JensmaView this family
May 30, 1840 (Age 64 years)
Marriage of a childHessel Jans JensmaDieuke Kornelis JaarsmaView this family
May 20, 1843 (Age 67 years)
Death of a sonTheunis Jensma
March 26, 1845 (Age 69 years)
Death of a brotherGoffe Gerlofs Jensma
February 28, 1846 (Age 70 years)
Death of a brotherJohannes Gerlofs Jensma
October 7, 1846 (Age 70 years)
Death of a sonGosse Jensma
October 15, 1846 (Age 71 years)
Marriage of a childIds Jans JensmaHelena Johannes JensmaView this family
May 27, 1847 (Age 71 years)
Death of a sonIds Jans Jensma
June 1, 1849 (Age 73 years)
Death February 5, 1854 (Age 78 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 11, 1766Holwerd
20 months
elder brother
5 years
elder brother
17 months
elder sister
4 years
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Family with Akke Jorryts - View this family
Marriage: June 23, 1805Holwerd
Family with Nynke Hessels Bierma - View this family
Marriage: December 2, 1810Holwerd
2 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
3 years