Mijn stamboom

Dirkje BiermaAge: 49 days18791879

Dirkje Bierma
Birth June 21, 1879
Birth of a brotherDouwe Bierma
June 22, 1879 (Age 1 day)
Death August 9, 1879 (Age 49 days)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 7, 1868Ternaard
11 months
elder sister
14 months
elder sister
15 months
elder brother
19 months
elder sister
Sytske Bierma
Birth: April 7, 1873Lieve Vrouwenparochie
Death: July 28, 1873Lieve Vrouwenparochie
14 months
elder brother
Douwe Bierma
Birth: June 3, 1874Lieve Vrouwenparochie
Death: August 13, 1874Lieve Vrouwenparochie
1 year
elder sister
4 years
Dirkje Bierma
Birth: June 21, 1879Lieve Vrouwenparochie
Death: August 9, 1879Lieve Vrouwenparochie
twin brother
2 years
younger brother