Rixje K. BergmansAge: 86 years1842–1928
- Name
- Rixje K. Bergmans
Birth | May 26, 1842 |
Marriage | Gerben Idzes Bierma — View this family June 1, 1865 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage status | Gerben Idzes Bierma — View this family MARRIED |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Sytske Bierma April 2, 1866 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Ids Gerbens Bierma January 1, 1869 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Klaas Bierma October 5, 1872 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Dieuke Gerbens Bierma July 7, 1876 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a son | Ids Gerbens Bierma February 3, 1888 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a husband | Gerben Idzes Bierma January 13, 1919 (Age 76 years) |
Death | July 7, 1928 (Age 86 years) |
Family with Gerben Idzes Bierma |
husband |
Gerben Idzes Bierma Birth: May 3, 1841 — Holwerd Death: January 13, 1919 — Holwerd |
herself |
Rixje K. Bergmans Birth: May 26, 1842 Death: July 7, 1928 |
Marriage: June 1, 1865 — Ternaard |
10 months daughter |
Sytske Bierma Birth: April 2, 1866 — West Dongeradeel |
3 years son |
Ids Gerbens Bierma Birth: January 1, 1869 — Ternaard Death: February 3, 1888 — Ternaard |
4 years son |
Klaas Bierma Birth: October 5, 1872 — West Dongeradeel Death: September 10, 1940 |
4 years daughter |
Dieuke Gerbens Bierma Birth: July 7, 1876 — West Dongeradeel Death: August 26, 1955 |