Mijn stamboom

Sytske Bierma1866

Sytske Bierma
Birth April 2, 1866
Birth of a brotherIds Gerbens Bierma
January 1, 1869 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherKlaas Bierma
October 5, 1872 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterDieuke Gerbens Bierma
July 7, 1876 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherDieuke Gerbens Koopmans
February 23, 1885 (Age 18 years)
Death of a brotherIds Gerbens Bierma
February 3, 1888 (Age 21 years)
Death of a fatherGerben Idzes Bierma
January 13, 1919 (Age 52 years)
Death of a motherRixje K. Bergmans
July 7, 1928 (Age 62 years)

Death of a brotherKlaas Bierma
September 10, 1940 (Age 74 years)

Death of a sisterDieuke Gerbens Bierma
August 26, 1955 (Age 89 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 1, 1865Ternaard
10 months
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister