Lieuwina SytsmaAge: 82 years1873–1956
- Name
- Lieuwina Sytsma
Birth | September 22, 1873 |
Marriage | Meindert Dijkstra — View this family May 15, 1896 (Age 22 years) |
Marriage status | Meindert Dijkstra — View this family MARRIED |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Grietje Dijkstra March 4, 1898 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Trijntje Dijkstra May 9, 1899 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Uilke Dijkstra August 1, 1902 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Lieuwe Meindert Dijkstra October 15, 1904 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a husband | Meindert Dijkstra October 16, 1942 (Age 69 years) |
Death | May 1, 1956 (Age 82 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
herself |
Lieuwina Sytsma Birth: September 22, 1873 Death: May 1, 1956 — Ede |
Family with Meindert Dijkstra |
husband |
Meindert Dijkstra Birth: January 30, 1872 — Nes {Oost dong} Death: October 16, 1942 — Ede |
herself |
Lieuwina Sytsma Birth: September 22, 1873 Death: May 1, 1956 — Ede |
Marriage: May 15, 1896 — Metslawier |
22 months daughter |
Grietje Dijkstra Birth: March 4, 1898 — Oost Dongeradeel |
14 months daughter |
Trijntje Dijkstra Birth: May 9, 1899 — Oost Dongeradeel |
3 years son |
Uilke Dijkstra Birth: August 1, 1902 |
2 years son |
Lieuwe Meindert Dijkstra Birth: October 15, 1904 — Anjum Death: November 27, 1980 — Anjum |