Lieuwe Sjolles SiniaAge: 40 years1841–1882
- Name
- Lieuwe Sjolles Sinia
Birth | July 9, 1841 |
Marriage status | Johanna Rinderts Tolsma — View this family MARRIED |
Birth of a brother | Lieuwe Sinia July 9, 1841 |
Death of a mother | Trijntje Thomas Helder February 6, 1852 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a father | Sjolle Gerrits Sinia September 2, 1858 (Age 17 years) |
Marriage | Johanna Rinderts Tolsma — View this family November 28, 1867 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Yttje Sinia January 19, 1868 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Trijntje Lieuwes Sinia June 20, 1869 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Antje Lieuwes Sinia 1870 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a daughter | Antje Lieuwes Sinia 1872 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a brother | Gerrit Sjolles Sinia 1873 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Rindert Lieuwes Sinia January 17, 1874 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Sjolle Lieuwes Sinia July 10, 1875 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Anne Sinia March 19, 1877 (Age 35 years) |
Death | July 6, 1882 (Age 40 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Sjolle Gerrits Sinia Birth: December 29, 1800 — Morra Death: September 2, 1858 — Sijbrandahuis |
mother |
Trijntje Thomas Helder Birth: May 19, 1801 — Sijbrandahuis Death: February 6, 1852 — Sijbrandahuis |
Marriage: June 15, 1822 — Metslawier |
10 months elder brother |
Thomas Sinia Birth: April 25, 1823 — Sijbrandahuis |
20 months elder brother |
Gerrit Sjolles Sinia Birth: December 16, 1824 — Sijbrandahuis Death: 1873 |
3 years elder brother |
Renze Sjolles Sinia Birth: May 6, 1828 — Sijbrandahuis Death: July 2, 1903 — Wanswerd |
23 months elder brother |
Ype Sinia Birth: April 1, 1830 — Sijbrandahuis |
3 years elder sister |
Antje Sinia Birth: December 6, 1832 — Sijbrandahuis |
19 months elder brother |
Jacob Sinia Birth: July 20, 1834 — Sijbrandahuis |
5 years elder brother |
Jan Sinia Birth: June 12, 1839 — Sijbrandahuis |
2 years twin brother |
Lieuwe Sinia Birth: July 9, 1841 — Sijbrandahuis |
himself |
Lieuwe Sjolles Sinia Birth: July 9, 1841 — Sijbrandahuis Death: July 6, 1882 — Sijbrandahuis |
Family with Johanna Rinderts Tolsma |
himself |
Lieuwe Sjolles Sinia Birth: July 9, 1841 — Sijbrandahuis Death: July 6, 1882 — Sijbrandahuis |
wife |
Johanna Rinderts Tolsma Birth: April 20, 1847 — Raard Death: July 14, 1918 — Oenkerk |
Marriage: November 28, 1867 — Ternaard |
2 months daughter |
Yttje Sinia Birth: January 19, 1868 — Raard Death: 1889 |
17 months daughter |
Trijntje Lieuwes Sinia Birth: June 20, 1869 — Raard |
18 months daughter |
Antje Lieuwes Sinia Birth: 1870 — Janum Death: 1872 — Janum |
4 years son |
Rindert Lieuwes Sinia Birth: January 17, 1874 — Janum Death: August 20, 1924 — Tietjerksteradeel |
18 months son |
Sjolle Lieuwes Sinia Birth: July 10, 1875 — Janum Death: July 23, 1938 — Wouterswoude |
20 months daughter |
Anne Sinia Birth: March 19, 1877 — Janum Death: 1960 |