Trijntje Hanzes WallendalAge: 90 years1841–1932
- Name
- Trijntje Hanzes Wallendal
Birth | November 27, 1841 |
Marriage | Klaas Gerbens Koopmans — View this family May 13, 1865 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage status | Klaas Gerbens Koopmans — View this family MARRIED |
Death of a brother | Hans Jacobs Wallendal March 1, 1882 (Age 40 years) |
Death | August 2, 1932 (Age 90 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
elder brother |
Hans Jacobs Wallendal Birth: September 15, 1809 — Ferwerd Death: March 1, 1882 |
32 years herself |
Trijntje Hanzes Wallendal Birth: November 27, 1841 — Blija Death: August 2, 1932 |
Family with Klaas Gerbens Koopmans |
husband |
Klaas Gerbens Koopmans Birth: January 27, 1837 — Hantum |
herself |
Trijntje Hanzes Wallendal Birth: November 27, 1841 — Blija Death: August 2, 1932 |
Marriage: May 13, 1865 — Ferwerd |