Dieuke Gerrits KoopmansAge: 20 years1827–1847
- Name
- Dieuke Gerrits Koopmans
Birth | September 11, 1827 |
Birth of a brother | Gerben Gerrits Koopmans August 30, 1829 (Age 23 months) |
Birth of a brother | Jan Gerrits Koopmans February 2, 1835 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Gerben Hyltjes Koopmans November 21, 1836 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | IJtske Lieuwes Wiersma January 10, 1837 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Hessel Jans Hesseling March 12, 1837 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a brother | Klaas Gerrits Koopmans December 30, 1838 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a brother | Lieuwe Gerrits Koopmans August 23, 1841 (Age 13 years) |
Birth of a sister | Ytske Gerrits Koopmans April 9, 1844 (Age 16 years) |
Christening of a brother | Klaas Gerrits Koopmans September 2, 1846 (Age 18 years) |
Death | December 18, 1847 (Age 20 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gerrit Gerbens Koopmans Birth: 1799 Death: July 1, 1870 |
mother |
Marriage: May 22, 1824 — Ternaard |
9 months elder brother |
Hessel Gerrits Koopmans Birth: February 24, 1825 — Holwerd |
3 years herself |
Dieuke Gerrits Koopmans Birth: September 11, 1827 — Holwerd Death: December 18, 1847 — Holwerd |
2 years younger brother |
Gerben Gerrits Koopmans Birth: August 30, 1829 — Holwerd |
5 years younger brother |
Jan Gerrits Koopmans Birth: February 2, 1835 — Holwerd |
4 years younger brother |
Klaas Gerrits Koopmans Birth: December 30, 1838 |
3 years younger brother |
Lieuwe Gerrits Koopmans Birth: August 23, 1841 |
3 years younger sister |
Ytske Gerrits Koopmans Birth: April 9, 1844 — Holwerd |