Jetske Kornelis JaarsmaAge: 26 years1824–1851
- Name
- Jetske Kornelis Jaarsma
Birth | October 4, 1824 |
Marriage status | Hessel Jans Bierma — View this family MARRIED |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Gerben Hyltjes Koopmans November 21, 1836 (Age 12 years) |
Marriage | Hessel Jans Bierma — View this family May 20, 1843 (Age 18 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Jan Hessels Bierma May 17, 1844 (Age 19 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Janke Hessels Bierma May 21, 1846 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Kornelis Hessels Bierma July 17, 1847 (Age 22 years) |
Death | February 10, 1851 (Age 26 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother |
Janke Gerbens Koopmans Birth: 1803 Death: September 19, 1867 |
Marriage: about 1822 — |
15 months elder sister |
Dieuke Kornelis Jaarsma Birth: April 13, 1823 — West Dongeradeel Death: May 2, 1851 — West Dongeradeel |
18 months herself |
Jetske Kornelis Jaarsma Birth: October 4, 1824 — Holwerd Death: February 10, 1851 |
Family with Hessel Jans Bierma |
husband |
Hessel Jans Bierma Birth: April 6, 1823 — Holwerd Death: December 15, 1873 — Pella { IA } |
herself |
Jetske Kornelis Jaarsma Birth: October 4, 1824 — Holwerd Death: February 10, 1851 |
Marriage: May 20, 1843 — Ternaard |
1 year son |
Jan Hessels Bierma Birth: May 17, 1844 — Holwerd Death: February 22, 1932 — Sint Jacobiparochie |
2 years daughter |
Janke Hessels Bierma Birth: May 21, 1846 — Brantgum Death: August 24, 1904 |
14 months son |
Kornelis Hessels Bierma Birth: July 17, 1847 — Brantgum |
Hessel Jans Bierma + Hiltje Foppes Hoekstra |
husband |
Hessel Jans Bierma Birth: April 6, 1823 — Holwerd Death: December 15, 1873 — Pella { IA } |
husband’s wife |
Hiltje Foppes Hoekstra Birth: March 9, 1819 — Hallum Death: January 11, 1861 — Holwerd |
Marriage: September 2, 1852 — Ternaard |
13 months step-daughter |
Anna Margaretha Hessels Bierma Birth: October 6, 1853 — Holwerd |
19 months step-daughter |
Berber Hessels Bierma Birth: May 12, 1855 — Holwerd |
22 months step-daughter |
Catharina Elisabeth Hessels Bierma Birth: March 20, 1857 — Holwerd |
Hessel Jans Bierma + Jelktje Hendriks Denkema |
husband |
Hessel Jans Bierma Birth: April 6, 1823 — Holwerd Death: December 15, 1873 — Pella { IA } |
husband’s wife |
Jelktje Hendriks Denkema Birth: July 20, 1826 — Grootegast Death: December 6, 1911 — Pella { IA } |
Marriage: August 22, 1861 — Ternaard |
7 months step-son |
Hendrik Hessels Bierma Birth: April 7, 1862 — Holwerd |
1 year step-son |
Douwe Hessels Bierma Birth: April 5, 1863 — Holwerd Death: August 24, 1933 — Truro {Iowa} |
19 months step-daughter |
Ybelina Hessels Bierma Birth: October 28, 1864 — Holwerd |